Kidz Dentistry( Kids Dental Care)
Majority of babies start teething process at around six months of age which is when oral health should be a priority. According to the Indian Dental Association it is important to clean your baby’s mouth in the first few days after birth. You can do that by wiping the gums using a clean washcloth or moist gauze pad.
When does teething begins?
Milk or primary teeth are formed between 6 months – 2 years of age. At the age of 6-7 years, humans start losing their milk teeth and the permanent set of teeth start emerging. Untreated tooth decay in baby teeth can affect the adult teeth that are still under the gum line, So proper care needs to be taken to avoid any further problems..
When should parent first visit dentist?
It is recommended that infants should assessed by a dentist within 6 months of the eruption of the first tooth or by one year of age. An early visit to a dentist is crucial for finding out if your child is at risk of cavities.
Early childhood caries are very common among kids due to improper brushing and flossing habits, It is also advised to start bi-annuals dental follow up after first visit.
What are various treatment options in kids?
Preventive measures
Proper brushing techniques and Flossing should be taught to children from very beginning.
Fluoride protects kids teeth from inside. Use of Fluoridated Toothpaste usually from age of 2 years is recommended.
Pit and fissure sealants are recommended to protect the tooth from decay.
Corrective Measures
Dental fillings of carious teeth( Milk and permanent teeth) is recommended if only small decay is present Root Canal Treatment is advised if decay has advanced deep into the roots of your child’s teeth
Extraction is opted in severe decay cases followed by space maintainers.
From losing your baby teeth, to helping build awesome brushing and flossing habits, we at IBC DENTALS help answer all your questions about kids oral care. Start early with good daily oral hygiene habits and dental visits. Your child will be grateful that they have a super parent to protect their smile.