Wisdom Tooth Removal( Extraction)
We usually develop four wisdom teeth, each emerging behind the 2nd permanent molars on both sides of the upper and lower jaw. They are last adult teeth to erupt and also called as 3rd Permanent molars.
When and Howdo they erupt?
They usually appear between the ages of 17 and 21. However it differs with every individual.
Since they are last tooth to erupt in oral cavity there is there’s a good chance that there won’t be enough room in your mouth for them to erupt properly. Wisdom teeth may erupt completely or only partially erupt, or even stay buried within the gum tissue. Teeth that don’t appear and remain covered by this tissue or bone are called “impacted.
What are sign and symptom of wisdom tooth impaction?
Impacted wisdom teeth don’t always cause symptoms. However, when an impacted wisdom tooth gets infected,it might damage other adjacent teeth as well. Patient might experience these symptoms: